Crating Experts
Crating Services
in Harleysville, PA
Packed and Crated by Crating Experts in Harleysville, PA
The Handle With Care Packaging Store Makes Custom Crates and Boxes

Crating is a great way to protect a shipment. From standard crates to custom solutions, the Harleysville Packaging Store has the services and supplies you need. We work to provide comprehensive crating solutions for just about any need.
We build custom wooden crates to your specifications. Have something large? We can build to match. Have something heavier than you’ve ever had to move? We can help with that, too. Our crates are built to ISPM-15 international specifications, so you can ship internationally at the drop of a hat.
We ship just about anything with our custom crates. If you are in Harleysville, Doylestown, Norristown, or Philadelphia, the Packaging Store is here to help. Our professional staff helps custom pack crates of all sizes so that you can get back to doing business.
Our Packaging Store is dedicated to providing complete crate solutions in Harleysville, Doylestown, Norristown, and Philadelphia.
If you're shipping internationally, our shipping crates meet the import requirements of any country. The Packaging Store is a shipping and crating company in Harleysville that balances value and budget to fit your needs.
Need a quote? Call us at (215) 361-6940, and we'd be happy to listen and provide a custom solution based on your needs. Thank you for giving The Packaging Store the opportunity to earn your trust, and your business.
Sincerely,Alex Long
Harleysville, PA 19438
The Packaging Store
1513 Gehman RoadHarleysville, PA 19438
- (215) 361-6940
- [email protected]
- M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm
- Serving Harleysville, Philadelphia, Doylestown, King of Prussia, and Wayne